Social Registry
The social registry component of the ESR MIS is a web-based information system that supports the registration of vulnerable populations in the country to help various social protection programmes select and provide social protection services to the beneficiaries.
The Social Registry module comprises of the following operational processes:
- Listing of potentially vulnerable households in non-Census Sub-Counties (with poverty less than 50%) during the household listing phase.
- Capture of detailed information of poor and vulnerable households OR potential beneficiaires of current and future social protection programs, including emergency scale-up, using the harmonized targeting methodology (HTM) tool during the registration phase.
- Enrolment of temporary users of the MIS involved in the data collection (household listing and household survey) process;
- Capture and management of grievances and complaints raised by the potential beneficiaries and communities.
- Generate standard and ad hoc reports and display dynamic dashboards for analyzing data to monitor the progress, performance and impact of the social registry activities.
- Support robust data quality assurance including in-built data quality controls, error checking, validation checks for both enumerators and supervisors, support validation by third party operational firm, track progress of data collection, among other quality assurance checks.
- Calculate the poverty score for all potential households and rank the eligible households.